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Revealed: Chrome Finish Of Nike Mercurial x EA SPORTS Boots Will Flake

The stunning chrome effect of the Nike Mercurial x EA SPORTS edition will pull off with use, it was revealed today.

Chrome Sole Plate Effect of Nike Mercurial Superfly x EA SPORTS Boots to Pull Off

Nike added a warning on the sole plate that the chrome effect will split with use (picture by @el_dejo).

Just as it is the case with Adidas' Ace PureControl and Under Armour's 20th anniversary boots, Nike added an label on the sole plate that reveals what many already expected. The chrome finish of the boots will flake off with use.

However, while Under Armour was fancy with their label ('Battle Scars. If you're competing hard enough, the chrome paint of these cleats could Flake. Wear them with pride.'), Nike's label is very standard. It reads: 'The chrome effect will flake off with use over time.'

There is no picture of the boot with a damaged sole plate yet. Did you also expected that these boots would have this problem? Let us know in the comments below.