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FAKE Celtic 19-20 Home Kit With Footy Headlines Watermark 'Leaked'

An an image doing the rounds of a supposed ‘leaked Celtic shirt’ is doing the rounds on social media today. It features the famous Footy Headlines watermark, but is is nevertheless not the real deal...

FAKE Celtic 2019-2020 Home Jersey With Our Watermark

The 'leaked' Celtic 19-20 home kit has been mocked up by a prankster who added a Footy Headlines watermark to add credibility and fool people. However, we can confirm that this is not our picture, and that is 100% a fake.

The Celtic kit on the image features five stars to signify Celtic’s 50th league trophy. It is unlikely that the real Celtic 19-20 kit will feature five stars.

We have no information about the actual New Balance Celtic 2019-2020 kit yet.

Do you look forward to see the actual New Balance Celtic 19-20 home kit? Let us know in the comments below.