Sheffield United 23-24 Third Kit Released
We have kit news from the Premier League as the new Erreà Sheffield United FC 2023-2024 third shirt was released today.

Sheffield United 23-24 Third Kit
This is the Sheffield United FC 2023-2024 third jersey, made by Errea.
The Erreà Sheffield United FC 2023-2024 third football shirt features a light grey material overlayed with a steel pattern and is complemented by red trim within the collar and along both sides of the torso.
Steel grey socks and shorts with red trim complete the look, with a set of red socks and shorts being an alternative option in the event of any potential kit clash.
The club say that the Errea Sheffield United 2023-24 third football shirt "is inspired by Sheffield’s steel making past and represents hard work and determination, values that Sheffield United prides itself on".
Made by Errea. What's your verdict on Sheffield United FC's third shirt? Comment below.