Carried Over | Sheffield United 19-20 Premier League Third Kit Released
Sheffield United announced that they will carry over their 2018-19 away kit as third for the 2019-20 season, which basically means that the Sheffield United 18-19 away jersey becomes the new Sheffield United 19-20 third kit.

Sheffield United 19-20 Third Kit
The Sheffield United 19-20 third shirts is flu yellow and black, based on the Adidas Condivo 18 teamwear. The only difference to last season's kit is the sponsor - Ramsdens Currency was replaced by USG (Union Standard Group).

Fluo yellow shorts and socks complete the new Sheffield United 19-20 third jersey.
The Sheffield United 19-20 Third Kit is not available to buy online yet.
What do you think of Sheffield United carrying over last season's away kit instead of launching a (third) new jersey for 2019-2020? Share your thoughts in the comments below.