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Atlético Mineiro 2022 "Mantos da Massa" Kit Design Contest - 13 Finalists Announced

Update: Atlético Mineiro announced the 13 finalists for the 2022 'Manto da Massa' competition on Monday.

Atlético Mineiro 2022 Manto da Massa - Finalists

Check out all 13 finalists in the slideshow below.

You can vote for your favorite on mantodamassa.com.br.

Original story (April 16th):Atlético Mineiro have launched a new edition of their Manto da Massa competition, which sees fans given the chance to have their shirt design created. The winning shirt will be Le Coq Sportif’s last for the club. Last year's winner was of course the spectacular design seen below.

Atlético Mineiro Shirt Design Contest - Stadium Theme

Following the success and popularity of the previous two editions, Atlético Minerio have brought it back once more. This time, the design theme is the club’s new stadium, the Arena MRV, which is to open in May 2023.

The 2021 and 2020 Mantos da Massa shirts

Submissions are open at mantodamassa.com.br until April 24th and voting will start on May 2nd. The winner will be announced on May 10th, when the winning shirt will also go on sale.

This very short turnaround between the vote and the production of the shirt is due to the fact that Adidas will take over as kit supplier in July, so Le Coq Sportif have to act fast to deliver their final shirt for the club.

It may not be possible to have Adidas participate in the Mantos da Massa project, but the club have vowed to continue the contest in future, even if the shirts will have to be produced independently of the new supplier.

Do you think this year’s designs will top the 2021 winner? Have your say below.