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15 Brilliant Football Christmas Jumpers Revealed

Classic Football Shirts have unveiled 15 fantastic Christmas jumpers based on iconic football shirts and players.

Classic Football Shirts Christmas Jumper

The novelty Christmas jumper trend arrived about ten years ago and for a while they were everywhere. The phenomenon has died down in recent years but it could make a comeback this Christmas thanks to Classic Football Shirts' latest drop. Their team have produced a set of the garments based on some of the best and most recognisable football jerseys of the last few decades, complete with star player names on the back.

The sweaters are based on specific jerseys from different seasons, rather than just a team's basic colours. Wintery wordplay and festive puns replace shirt sponsors, brand logos and club badges, while the obligatory iconography that adorns Christmas jumpers is also present in abundance, with a few footballing twists added in.

References to the players themselves are also included, with some real creativity on show in the details. Hats off to the design team for coming up with so many variations on the theme and incorporating so much football culture into the range in a novel way.

Take a look at all 15 jumpers below and the shirts - and players - that inspired them.

AC Milan Home 98-99

Arsenal Away 95-96

Barcelona Away 96-97

Bayern Munich Home 14-15

Celtic Home 97-99

Chelsea Away 94-95

Juventus Away 96-97

Liverpool Home 04-05

Manchester United Home 98-99

Napoli Home 87-88

Parma Home 98-99

PSG Home 94-95

Rangers Home 96-97

Real Madrid Third 00-01

Roma European Home 01-02

Classic Football Shirts also released three great Christmas jumpers last year, inspired by Roberto Baggio, Gabriel Batistuta and Ronaldo, which you can see below.

For us however, this years efforts are even better thanks to their specificity, attention to detail and the range of options on offer. Plus, they managed to fit the finest Christmas football image in existence into the collection. Let's hope his family don't object to such a fantastic use of his likeness.

The jumpers go on sale tomorrow from Classic Football Shirts' website and 10% of sales will be donated to housing and homelessness charity Shelter.

Which one is your favourite? Did any particular details catch your eye? Any other jerseys you'd like to see transformed into a Christmas jumper? Let us know in the comments.