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Kit Changed For Match: Arsenal 22-23 Whiteout Kit Released

Update: Arsenal have debuted their special 2022-2023 Whiteout football kit. However, it was different from the shirt officially presented.

Arsenal Add Black Outline to Sponsor Logos of 22-23 Whiteout Kit - Reason Better Visibility for TV?

The Arsenal crest, the Adidas logo, and sponsors all feature a black outline - why? According to Arsenal kit experts Arsenal @ArsenalShirt, this allows the shirt applications to be more visible on TV.

Rumors have it that it is because of "better TV visibility"

The players did wear kits without names but only numbers.

The shorts featured the whiteout logos...

It remains to be seen if Arsenal will announce anything official on why they changed their kit for the match. Last season, they wore the same kit as presented - completely whiteout.

What is also interesting is that the the shorts (and also the socks) did not feature outlined logos but tonal white logos.

6 January 2023: Arsenal Whiteout Kit Presented

Arsenal today released a new whiteout football kit as part of the next chapter of the club's No More Red campaign.

The Arsenal No More Red initiative was first launched in January 2022 to support the long-standing work being done by Arsenal in the Community to help keep young people safe from knife crime and youth violence.

Arsenal's first team will wear an on-pitch version of the kit in their FA Cup tie away at Oxford United on Monday, January 9. Arsenal's women's team will support the initiative by wearing No More Red pre-match training kit and anthem jackets against Chelsea on Sunday, January 15.

Arsenal 22-23 Whiteout Kit

This is the new Adidas Arsenal whiteout jersey for 2022-2023.

The Adidas Arsenal 2022-23 whiteout jersey is again totally white without any colorful elements.

The only difference to last season's whiteout kit is the template. The Adidas Arsenal FC 22-23 whiteout football shirt is based on an Adidas 2022 template, whereas the 21-22 whiteout kit was based on the Adidas Condivo 20.

Not available to buy: People can earn the shirt by volunteering for charities

Like last season, the Adidas Arsenal 2022-2023 whiteout football shirt is not being sold. Instead, people can earn a shirt by volunteering for one of the 10 charities.

Each charity and organization have 10 limited edition shirts to give volunteers, who each must donate their time to be eligible.

Check out classic Arsenal kits on Football Kit Archive

Are you a fan of Arsenal relating a new whiteout jersey against youth crime? Comment below.