'Predator Freak' - Adidas Predator 2021 To Be Just Called PREDATOR Freak+, PREDATOR Freak.1
Update: We have received new information about the next-generation Adidas Predator 2021 football boots. The next-gen Adidas Predator 2021 soccer shoes will be called Adidas Predator Freak - the current-gen Predator is marketed as Predator Mutator.
On Tuesday, 19 May 2020, FC Barcelona keeper Iñaki Peña gave us the world's first look at the next-generation Adidas Predator 2021 soccer cleats. Now we can reveal that the next-generation Adidas Predator 2021 soccer cleats will have a new naming system.
Next-Gen Adidas Predator 2021 Naming System
The next-generation laceless Adidas Predator 2021 soccer boots will be called "PREDATOR +" instead of Adidas Predator 21+. The high-end version with laces will be called PREDATOR .1.
In marketing speech for the next generation, Adidas ditched the Mutator of the 2020 generation. Instead, the next-gen Adidas Predator football boots will be promoted as "Predator Freak". The boots will be called Adidas Predator Freak+ and Adidas Predator Freak.1.
Please note that the official name of the Predator will be all UPPERCASE, e.g. PREDATOR instead of Predator.
The naming system is continued as you would expect - the second-tier Adidas Predator 2021 boots are called Predator Freak.2, the third-tier Predator Freak.3 and the fourth-tier Predator Freak.4.
The next-generation Adidas Predator 2021 football boots, the Predator +, will be launched in January 2021.
In fact, the new naming system follows the system of the new Ghosted football boots, the "successor" of the Adidas X silo that will drop in Summer 2020.

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