Official: Cruz Azul Forced to Change Name & Logo
Mexican club Cruz Azul yesterday officially presented their new name and logo. It confirms previous rumors.
Cruz Azul Change Name - "Deportivo Cruz Azul" Become "Club de Fútbol Cruz Azul"
Cruz Azul are owned by the Mexican concrete company Cementos Cruz Azul.
According to media reports, Cruz Azul were forced to change their name and logo to avoid problems with criminal people involved in the club some years ago. They are now called "Club de Fútbol Cruz Azul" instead of "Deportivo Cruz Azul".
Cruz Azul are owned by the concrete company Cementos Cruz Azul. A couple of years ago, people that were in charge of the concrete firm were ousted due to money laundering. Cruz Azul are changing their name and logo and name to avoid the previous guys claiming they still own "Deportivo Cruz Azul".
Leaked Cruz Azul 2022-2023 home kit with the new logo
Cruz Azul 2022 Logo
The biggest change of the new Cruz Azul logo is the disappearance of the nine stars, very much in the European style. In addition, the name change from Deportivo Cruz Azul to Club de Futbol Cruz Azul is also implemented in the new crest.
The new logo debuts on the 22-23 kits, to be officially released very soon

Tenemos un corazón tan grande que en él están nuestras ilusiones y esperanzas, nuestros recuerdos y campeonatos; todas las estrellas del universo, las que nacieron en el pasado y las que se avecinan en el futuro. 🏆🚂⚽#LasEstrellasEnElCorazón
— CRUZ AZUL (@CruzAzul) June 20, 2022
What do you think of the new Cruz Azul logo and name? Comment below.