Inter 22-23 Away Kit Features Clever Globe Projection on Back

Update: Inter debuted the 22-23 away kit in the Champions League but they had to modify it due to UEFA's (new stricter) regulations of white/dark kits - the globe was nearly invisible. We also added some better pictures of the globe on the back of Inter's 22-23 away kit.

The new Inter 22-23 away kit was released several weeks ago. It has a very unique globe design that was well received by fans.

Now we have better images of all angles of the kit, so we wanted to take a more in-depth look.

Inter Globe Design

In terms of the cut, Inter's 22-23 away kit uses the standard Nike template for this season. A white base is combined with 'Light Aqua', which is used for the graphic. This graphic is a map of the world, with the Inter logo placed such that it sits on top of Milan, Italy.

An interesting aspect of the kit is the back, which has a large circular panel, as is normal for this template. The shape is used to depict the globe as viewed from the North Pole.

This design does not quite match the rest of the map, which had a larger scale and different angle, however it is a clever use of the Nike 22-23 template. It should also be mentioned that many jerseys with graphics do not have them continue on the back due to strict kit regulations.

What do you think of Nike's use of their template for the new Inter 22-23 away kit? Comment below.