As Expected: Wales Wear Adidas Replica Kits
If you looked closely during the match between Wales and the USA last night, you may have noticed something about Wales' kits. Their jerseys are fundamentally different from all other Adidas shirts at the tournament.

Wales Only Adidas Team to Not Wear "Authentic" HEAT.RDY Kit
Wales are ranked lower in Adidas' sponsoring pyramid than all the other Adidas-supplied nations at the World Cup.
Cymru fall into the category where they receive bespoke designs, but there is no distinction between the replica and authentic versions.
All shirts they receive and that are sold have the quality of what is the equivalent of the replica version that other teams get.
Replica vs. Authentic
Here are some key differences between replica and authentic kit versions:
- Logos: replica logos are stitched, authentic are heat-applied
- Cut: template cut on replica can differ from authentic version (see MLS)
- Fabric: replica does not feature the Heat.Rdy technology and 3D ventilation pattern
Rival brands Puma and Nike both provide their players with authentic versions of their jerseys, although these versions are not always sold.
What do you think of Adidas not producing authentic Wales kits, not even for the players? Comment below.