Exclusive: Newcastle United to Become Adidas Elite Team

Newcastle United have secured a new kit deal with Adidas some months ago. Now Footy Headlines can reveal that they will receive a top treatment by Adidas.

Newcastle United to Get Authentic Kits

The new Adidas Newcastle United kit deal are making Newcastle United an elite team. This means that the club will receive authentic home and away kits, as part of the Elite Team range.

Newcastle United will join Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Juventus, Arsenal, Flamengo, and Manchester United as Elite Teams.

Newcastle United's Adidas kit deal was also featured in the brand-new Adidas Q3 2023 Results, just above the Adidas Messi Ballon d'Or trophy.

Newcastle's 24/25 thrid celebrates the EQT era

The Newcastle 2024-2025 third kit could be a very special one - Footy Headlines have heard that Newcastle's third kit could celebrate the 1990s and the Adidas EQT era.

It is important to note that while Newcastle become an Elite team, the biggest teams still get a few more items. Newcastle are on the "lowest" Elite level, like Flamengo.

Is it justified that Newcastle United become an Adidas Elite team? Let us know in the comments below.