Instagram Back at It Again: Popular Concept Designer Soccept Disabled Accounts Following False Copyright Claims

Just two weeks ago, we had to launch a new Instagram account as our old was banned. Now the platform has struck again, forcing one of the most popular concept designers to deactivate his account.

Instagram: Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.

Designer Soccept Forced to Suspend Social Media Accounts

Spanish designer Jaime Cañas (@jaimecanas_), the guy behind Soccept, announced on Twitter that he had to suspend both his Instagram and Twitter accounts. The reason is "an increasing removal of many of [his] old Instagram posts caused by copyright infringements".

There is no law that prohibits creating these unique concepts

Jaime Cañas stresses that it was never his "intention to profit from such kits/designs and that the use of these symbols was the result of a simple ignorance of the law."

Concept Kits by Soccept

Soccept did not sell any of his concepts, and we are not aware of any law that prohibits designers to create and share concepts designs. Of course, it is forbidden to sell any copyrighted stuff, but Soccept did not do so.

Several earlier Soccept concepts were replicated by counterfeiters, including a very popular Argentina concept kit. But of course, this was not Soccept's intention, nor was it within his sphere of influence.

What do you think of Soccept being forced to suspend his social media accounts? Comment below.