Adidas Bayern Munich, Chelsea, Juventus and Real Madrid 2016 Anthem Jackets Released

Additionally to the stylish Manchester United 2016 Anthem jacket, Adidas has also updated the pre-match jackets for Bayern München, Chelsea, Juventus and Real Madrid. The new Adidas 2016 Anthem jackets were debuted in this week's Champions League matches.

Adidas 2016 Anthem Jackets: Bayern, Chelsea, Juventus, Real Madrid

Based on the style of Adidas' Euro 2016 jackets, the new Anthem jackets will be in use until the end of the season. With their stripe-less design and clean appearance, the Adidas Bayern, Chelsea, Juventus and Real Madrid 2016 Anthem jackets are a preview of sorts of what is to come in the 2016-17 season.

The new Adidas Bayern, Chelsea, Juventus and Real Madrid Anthem jackets are already available to buy for 90 €.

Do you like the new Adidas 2016 Anthem jackets? Let us know in the comments below.